Monday, August 23, 2010


As you can see from the previous post, we went to Chartres on Sunday August 22. We took the train from Gare Montpanasse. In an hour we were in the lovely quaint little town. I think from the pictures you can see a little of the town's narrow curvy streets. The main attraction is this Notre Dame de Chartres. The photos do not do justice to the cathedral and certainly not the stained glass. It is the feeling of Saint Chappell but alot bigger and more stained glass. The cathedral is just beginning to be cleaned up so by 2014 it will look alot nicer. Now you can see centuries of black dirt and algae that has settled on the outside. Inside the stone is really dingy looking. It was a lovely day and a beautiful site to see.

Chartre is also known for mfg of perfume esp. Guerlain. The factory was closed but would be fun to see that too.

Today is MOnday august 23 and I am off on my quest for comfy shoes that will not give me blisters. wish me luck!!!!!


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